Wireless Communications Operations East of ARRAS - 1st Canadian Division - Aug 27 to Sept 4 1918

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The following is the text of an original report.[1]

WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS Operations East of ARRAS Aug.27/18 to Sept.4/18

The Divisional Wilson Station took over from the 2nd Cdn. Div. Set located at N.21.c.2.8 (sheet 51b) at 7.00 pm Aug.27th, good communication being established with Brigades, Flanking Divisions and Corps.

The Station remained here until 8.00 am Sept.2nd, handling an average of ten messages per day. Owing to the lines being well maintained in this area, it was seldom necessary to use the wireless as the only means of communication. On one occasion however, a counter attack was made on our Front while the forward lines were cut, and the Brigade concerned got the information back by Wireless without delay.

On the morning of the 2nd Sept. the Directing Station was moved to SUN QUARRY, arrangements being made to have the Station move at the same time as the Brigade Stations. The Set was in operation at 11.00 am communication being established with Corps, Flanking Divisions, and any Brigades as they arrived at their new headquarters.

Some trouble was experienced at first owing to jamming, and weak signals from Brigades, but by improving aerials and earth, good Signals were received both ways.

A total of 122 messages were handled by the Division and three Brigade Stations from Aug.28th to Sept.3rd inclusive, 62 being sent and received at CYA Station.

Loop Sets and Power Buzzers were not used as the Brigade Signal Officers consider they secure battle results by employing the men of the Power Buzzer Pool, and maintaining telephone lines.

The high forward station at Corps was of great assistance in controlling traffic and working direct to Brigades. In the AMIENS Operation, the Brigades get so far ahead of the Corps Wilson Station they were unable to hear it and consequently were out of communication during the time their Division D.S. was on the move.

From August 29th to Sept.4th, inclusive, the Artillery C.W. Sets handled 192 messages. The Divisional Artillery set was first located at N.21.c. and was moved to SUN QUARRY on the morning of Sept.2nd.

Due to the close proximity of Brigades to each other on 2nd and 3rd Sept. Only one Bde. Station was erected and handled the messages of both. Messages handled by CF1 station being 95.

Nearly everything sent by C.W. was in clear and duly Franked, by an Officer of the Brigade or Division Staff.

9-9-18 (signed) P. Earnshaw, Major C.E. Cmdg.1st Canadian Divisional Signal Company, C.E.


  1. Library and Archives Canada, RG9, III, D.3. Volume:5004.