RCSofS Recruit Training K-130 Feb-Jun 1957

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A photo of recruit class K-130 at the Royal Canadian School of Signals - Vimy Barracks. Course dates were 11 February to 6 June 1957.

Those present are (left to right):

Fourth row: Sig Scott LA, Sig Campbel LTG, Sig Bircham TP, Sig Legere RM, Sig Elliott JFW, Sig Wilding TE, Sig Benson EW
Third row: Sig White KR, Sig Pelland JPJ, Sig Lefebvre JR, Sig Stuckless RG, Sig Dufresne JAJ, Sig Bennett FR
Second row: Sig Hudson EB, Sig Parkhill D, Sig Smith AW, Sig Stasiak C, Sig Parker DG, Sig Beaver CW, Sig Balderson EG
Front row: Sig Maillette JF, Sgt Searls HW, Maj RM Fleury, CD, Lt ID Bayne, Cpl Gardner LA
Credit: Tom Rolfe

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