Magneto Switch Unit, 5 Line

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Magneto Switch Unit, 5 Line
Signal Training Part II (Provisional), Methods of Intercommunication (Other than Visual) Employed in Forward Areas, 1921 - Figure 26.jpg
The Magneto Switch Unit, 5 Line is a military switchboard device used to establish magneto telephone exchanges in forward areas, typically from Company up to Brigade forward party level.


Section 44 - Magneto Switch Unit, 5 Line[1]

1. This is a small exchange for 5-magneto stations, and is similar in dimension and construction to the buzzer exchange described in Section 43, and is connected up in the same way. Fig. 26 is a front view of the exchange, with the door folded back under the base. Fig. 27 shows the back of the exchange removed, and the arrangement of apparatus inside.

2. Description. The exchange is equipped with 5 magneto indicators (see Fig. 28) for calling and clearing signals, 6 jacks (5 for line and 1 for operator's telephone), and a hand generator. A DIII telephone is used to operate the exchange. Plugs and cords are provided for operating.

3. Details of Apparatus. (not yet transcribed)

4. (not yet transcribed)

5. Connections. (not yet transcribed)

6. (not yet transcribed)

7. Method of Operating (not yet transcribed)


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  1. extract from "Signal Training Part II (Provisional), Methods of Intercommunication (Other than Visual) Employed in Forward Areas, 1921"